Funny story, it all starts with a boy...  a boy that Sam met, became friends with, dated/ing and really likes.  You see, she is suppose to be driving home with Ryan on May 6th after her cousins wedding.  But now, she isn't sure she wants to be home for so long.  Her siblings are disappointed plans are changing and Sam is the one changing the plans.  There are a number of factors that come into play so I called her this morning.  I could tell she was pretty set on not coming home but she didn't want to be the one to cause disharmony, heaven forbid if her siblings were angry with her.  I have to admit I was a bit irritated.  She kept giving excuses why it would be a good idea for her to stay in Utah longer, to which I had a number formidable suggestions.  I kept telling her, "You are a grownup.  You have to make your own decisions."  She could tell in my voice something wasn't quite right.  But still, she didn't want to be the one to make the decision.  She wanted to have her way but not deal with any negative fallout.  "I don't want them to be mad at me."  I assured her they (her siblings) weren't mad at her, just disappointed.  Porter had planned on having a climbing buddy for 6 weeks!  He's going to be disappointed about missing out on that.  Izy wants her to see her race.  We both hung up not feeling super great with the conversation.  After accepting my own irritated feelings and processing them I came to the conclusion that it really is her call.  I should be happy for her that she has met someone she really cares for and that he is a really good man.  I called her back and suggested she really think about what she wants and why she wants it... I hinted (suggested) it had more to do with the boy than anything else, she sheepishly agreed.  Then we could have a real conversation about the options for this spring. She hung up happy & I bought an airline ticket for Ryan.  We will see how this spring shapes up...  


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