New Year's Resolution...

One of my goals for this year was to leave the house messier.  I can happily report that I am actually accomplishing this goal.  I am amazed at the change it has created in our home.  For some absurd reason for years I have tried to have our house appear as if we didn't have any kids.  IE: no dishes left in the sink, no toys left out, all rooms tidy all the time, etc.  The house is still clean.  It just isn't perfect ALL the time.  Believe it or not having a messy house once in a while hasn't caused me any physical pain, loss of friends, limb, or life!  The miraculous thing is when it is time to tidy up I get a lot more help with a lot less grumbling. It is hard  to walk out of the house with dishes or cereal sitting on the table but... I'm no longer the Nazi mom with a bunch of unhappy kids in the car driving off for some "fun"!  I do slip up at times & just have to talk myself through mentally... "this mess will not hurt me, I can leave the mess, messes are my friends, this mess looks good on me, just walk AWAY from the mess" :)


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