Samantha came upstairs crying today.  Victoria had gotten a bottle of paint, poured it onto a 6x11 inch lid, & went to town in Sam's bedroom & bathroom.  Her original "canvas" of choice was a wall, then the closet door, she finished up with the fabric shower curtain.  I guess when everyone was out staining the deck she felt left out.  I love that my kids are so independent MOST of the time.  So, Sam's crying, we're scrubbing, & Victoria walks in.  I ask, "Did you do this?"  Victoria responds with a quick, "Yeah, sorry." & a nod of the head.  At least she's honest.  It reminds me of the time Ryan & I were sitting on the couch talking in KY.  It had been 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted conversation.  We looked at each other & I asked, "Where is Isabelle?  It's WAY to quiet!"  We started looking for her & couldn't find her anywhere.  We searched the house & she wasn't in it.  I headed for the garage & 
OH MY GOODNESS this is what I found...  

Izy's canvas of choice... Ryan's car!  The funniest part was that Isabelle just looked at us like, "Yeah, I'm painting dad's car.  What are you gonna do about it?"  I may not have mentioned this before so now is probably a good time.  I'm pretty good with budgeting, organizing, getting things done, etc.  I had parenting pretty much under control with Sam, Casey, & Rebekah.  You know how they say if you don't humble yourself... Heavenly Father sent me Isabelle!  Then Porter, & now Victoria.  I no longer have parenting under control.  I am learning new tricks though.  Some work some don't some are just nuts.  I no longer say, "well, if I was his/her mother..."  I have enough days I'm running out of Wal-mart utterly humiliated.  I must say I've grown a lot since having our last 3 angels & I'm not talking pants size.  I'm becoming a person I actually like more when I look in the mirror MOST days.  I also have days when I just want to crawl in bed & hide from the world.  Like last week when I was getting ready to leave for a meeting & all crapola breaks loose.  Izy's screaming she hates me & wishes she didn't live here.  Everyone needs something.  Sam yells out as I'm leaving, "When will you be home?"  I don't answer, I'm thinking maybe I WON'T come home.  She calls out & asks again & I actually say it.  I feel guilty all morning until I call and apologize & let her know when I will be home.  I also had to apologize to Izy for telling her I wanted to grab her, shake her, and spank her.  (I didn't, I just had to let her know I wanted to.)  No award for Mother of the Day here.  My greatest fear is being a bad mom.  I'm slowly learning what can wait... the dishes, dust, even spilt milk.  I'm slowly learning to get down in the crazy... spraying Casey with the kitchen hose-thing making a huge mess, singing our favorite song way loud WAY off key, & making an utter fool of myself with our kids!  They love it, Ryan loves it, & I love it.  I'm slowly learning what can't wait... a much needed hug, a quiet moment together, an honest "yes, I'm listening." & I love you!


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