Major Dilemma...

A few kids from the neighborhood knocked on our door yesterday.  We got a big surprise when a dog came walking into our home.  She acted right at home, so calm, pleasant, & comfortable.  Well, not being a big fan of animals especially ones IN my house, I quickly had her escorted out.  The kids went on to explain she had been around the neighborhood for the past few days.  They had gone around trying to find the owner without any luck.  We politely wished them luck & went back inside.  This morning as the guys are working on the pool she decided to come back & go for a dip not once but twice!  Ryan caught her and tied her to the basketball pole.  I quickly called animal control & reached a machine!  I left a message & anxiously awaited a call back.  Did I mention I am NOT an animal lover.  I have had way too much poop in my life.  I just got done doing diapers.  NO MORE POOP!  Well, the kids just KNEW she was starving.  We fried up some hamburger that I wasn't quite sure was good or not.  She ate a pound of hamburger in less than 3 minutes.  I think she was starving.  We bought 1/2 a cow  this summer, with it came some soup bones & short ribs... she loved those too!  The kids LOVE her.  By the time animal control called I just couldn't have them come get her.  She is the nicest dog.  Porter was laying on the ground, she came over just nuzzling him then covering him in kisses.  All the while Porter is giggling loving every minute.  The kids have taken her for numerous walks & will barely leave her alone for 5 minutes.  I have mixed feelings... I don't WANT a dog.  But THIS dog is the perfect dog.  I'm not sure what we will do.  I secretly hope we get to keep her... is that crazy or what?  UGH... the kids already love her.  It will be so sad if they have to say goodbye.  I think they will take good care of her.  She could be a good running partner too.  I must be crazy... I can't believe I am thinking this way.  It goes against everything I've said.  What the heck... I hope we get to keep her.

click on the picture & the slide show will start. click it again & it should get bigger... you'll get a better look at...Lucky?... we haven't named her yet.


Maren said…
Kids and animals combined can definitly tug on those heart strings =D It is a great time for a Geddes family pet!

Isabel's bangs are ADORABLE!! I noticed her t-shirt. YMCA Trout that the one in St. Louis? Did you have a family pow wow there?

Wishing you luck with Lucky!

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