Mom's Music Time-Out

The day started out pretty normal.  Not much going on until 3pm.  Ryan was working 6A-2P.  Victoria's best cousins Mia & Jesi (2yrs. old) were over playing.  Everyone was getting alone, no problems, overall a good day.  Well, Ryan isn't home at 2:30 & hasn't called all day.  This can only mean a horrible day in the ER.  Rebekah & Sam have an activity at 3pm he was to take them too.  After which, he was going to pick the missionaries up for dinner.  I load everyone up & head out.  I had map quested the address & was pretty confident I would find it... 1 & 1/2 hours later & thankfully running into a friend going the same place we found it.  It is now 3:30 & I have a 30 min. drive home.  Dinner hasn't been started so no food for the missionaries.  Victoria is crying... she wants to stay & swim with Sam & Bekah.  Porter is screaming at me & Isabelle is wining!  I can feel a low boil starting.  After about 10 min. it's turned into a rapid boil.  Everyone is tired, there's no reasoning with them.  The lid is about to blow.  I get to the hospital & see Ryan's car... YEAH he hasn't left yet.  We can take the missionaries out for dinner.  Casey runs in to let Ryan know the plans.  I park the car & wait.  Rebekah yells, "there goes Casey!"  What? are you sure?  We drive down to the doctors lot, no Honda & no Casey.  Did Casey leave with Ryan?  Wouldn't they have told me?  Then we see Casey running towards us.  He had just missed Ryan & tried to catch him.  Thankfully we didn't leave Casey.  Now the lid is rumbling around the edges... seconds til it flies off & water boils over.  I crank the radio, I can still hear screaming, a little louder... no noise but blaring music & vibrations from low end speakers.  Ahhhh, the lid stops rumbling & the water begins to calm.  8 min. later, after taking a "short-cut" but getting stuck behind a VERY old man driving WAY too slow, we get to the missionaries apartment & catch Ryan.  We head to Ruby Tuesday's they go in & eat I take Mia & Jesi back to their mom.  Victoria & I return to finish dinner with the missionaries & take everyone home.  Ryan runs over to pick Rebekah & Sam up then heads to soccer practice with Samantha... hmmm, just a typical day at the geddes home?  


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