Motherhood... the tootsie pop analogy!

Motherhood is a lot like a tootsie pop.  One lick at a time a bit of self is lost.  Style... clothes with white splotches, tiny hand prints are the new hit pattern, & how about that new fragrance...   Rebel spirit... gone!  Not only following the rules... but enforcing them!  Life of the party is now in bed by 9:00pm & up at 6am trying to get ahead of the day maybe even trying to ward off a few licks by beefing up the insurance policy... personal prayer(pleading... not today, I can't handle anything today!) & scripture study (where's the peace & love promised?).   Waistline... need I say more?  Everyday involves a few licks.  Some more enjoyable than others.  I'm finding if I can laugh a little bit more they are a lot less painful.  Turning up the music & letting lose with 6 very fun kids actually makes it enjoyable at times.  Then Mr. Owl flies in & takes a huge bite!  This is when I get out my bat & whack him!  Aggression & violence have yet to be licked away!  No more just sitting here letting the grape get licked off my backside!  The pieces of my tootsie pop fall to the ground & sobbing I pick them up.  I tuck them away for a later day promising myself all will be well.  Actually it sounds more like, suck it up Jonnette no-ones dying, everyone's healthy, you have a good life!  Back to life & the daily licks.  Eventually, a realization hits... the licks & occasional bites actually get to the very best part... the tootsie pop center!  Unfortunately/fortunately however I want to look at it, the same is with life.  To get to the really good stuff, to become that person only God knows I can become the grape is licked right off my backside & occasionally chomped off at the knees!  So, I suck it up & look forward to the day I get to the really good stuff.  All the while, trying to find the joy & humor in the rest.   It doesn't hurt to take a few practice swings once in awhile either!


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