The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

I spent a day last week reading this book, the Last Lecture.  It's a wonderful book.  I cried through the first 5 chapters, got a hold of my emotions for the better part of the book, then the tears started up again.  One of my greatest fears is dying young... not that it wouldn't be easier at times... I just am not ready to let go of my kids.  There are so many things I want to teach them and tell them.  Would they KNOW how much I love them?  Would they KNOW who I am?  Have I shared enough of me with them?  Do they know what is nearest & dearest to my heart?  This book hits so close to my heart.  Here are few of my favorite "Paushisms":
Dream Big: inspiring people to achieve the maximum of human potential is how our greatest problems will be solved.
Earnest is Better than Hip: Earnest is long-term, Hip short-term.
Don't complain, just work harder.
Treat the disease, not the symptoms.
DON'T OBSESS OVER WHAT PEOPLE THINK... I have a hard time with this.  I tend to be a "what ya see is what ya get" kind of girl... I have a hard time hiding my emotions so most often you know what I'm thinking.  I LOVE having friends like this... I always know where I stand.  
Look for the Best in Everybody:  "When you're frustrated with people, when they've made you angry, it just may be because you haven't given them enough time.  If you wait long enough people will surprise and impress you. the end people will show you their good side.  Almost everybody has a good side.  Just keep waiting.  It will come out!"
Watch what they DO, not what they SAY.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity - Seneca
Be the 1st Penguin: Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.  Failure is not just acceptable, it's essential.
Hand written Thank-you notes
Loyalty is a two-way street
Friday Night Solution: The best short-cut is the long way, which is basically two words: WORK HARD.  Hard work is like compounded interest in the bank.  The rewards build FAST.
Show Gratitude
All you have is what you bring with you: "the eaten by the wolves factor" (the worst case scenario)  One thing that makes it possible to be an optimist is if you have a contingency plan for when all hell breaks loose.  Be Prepared.
A bad apology is worse than No apology!
Tell the Truth... ALL THE TIME!
Get in touch with your crayon box:  a good crayon box might have more than two colors (black & white) ... but if you run your life the right way, you'll wear out the black & white before the more nuanced colors.
No job is beneath you!
Know where you are.
NEVER GIVE UP... and take a boost when offered!  "Brick walls are there for a reason.  And once you get over them -- even if someone practically had to throw you over-- it can be helpful to others to tell them how you did it."
Be a communitarian
All you have to do is ask... more often than you'd suspect, the answer you'll get is,"Sure."
Tigger or Eeyore?  Am I a fun-loving Tigger or am I a sad-sack Eeyore?  Pick a camp!

"As I see it, a parent's job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their own dreams.  The best we can do is to help them develop a personal set of tools for the task."

I'm stealing one of his sayings for our family...

"Let's Saddle-Up & Ride!"

I've spent too many years worrying about little things.  In our home you will often hear the phrase, "if you feel a smile... Let It OUT!"  Many times I've worried about "staying mad." (especially as a kid)  That's changed around here.  I love to see how it is changing with our children... they are smiling more when they are "suppose" to be mad.  Intense situations are melting away into smiles & laughter.  I pray that I have a long life with my family.  However, just in case I don't I am trying to live true to my heart so they KNOW who their mother is.  


Kristen said…
I MISS YOU and love to hear what is in your heart. I totally feel the same way and after I read your blog I want to be a better mother. How unfair that we have never been near each other during this time in our lives. I will definately try to get this book. You are awesome Jonnette!!!

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