
May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, all of the above got STUCK to my thighs!  Adamson girls by nature are amazing pie makers.  Excluding myself of course, I much preferred mowing the lawn to cooking or any other domesticated responsibilities!  However, after years of trying (and many panicked phone calls for help) I've finally got the hang of it.  I'm not sure this is a good thing.  I'm pretty positive it's a very bad thing.  Jeanie once calculated how many fat grams were in a SLICE of pie:  26 grams in the crust alone!  At least the apple filling is fat free! Ryan walked through the door at 4:22pm after a long day at work.  We sat down around 5:30 & enjoyed a simple, filling, scrumptiously delicious meal.  The Fuhriman's joined us early for a full day of playing and hanging out with family.  I love watching our kids build lasting relationships with their siblings & cousins.  Who better to have as a best friend?  Ryan's nephew is interviewing at OSU med school this week & flew in Friday night.  Sam & Casey were dressed in their Gator T's ready to ride into Columbus with Ryan to pick him up.  It started me thinking... why do our kids get so excited for ANY family that comes to town?  Why do they act as if they know these people when they've met them so few times.  Then a few things dawned on me.  1. The family letter sent out each month actually connects us to family we don't get to see very often.  2. In the 12 years of marriage we have taken 1 family trip that didn't involve spending it with family.  All of our family trips have been literally "Family" based.  3. Family is REALLY important to Ryan & I.  We've loved having Jay here and getting to know him better.  The kids love having him around.  Next time, hopefully Stacy & baby boy will get to come too.  As I look back on the year & ponder what I am most thankful for I keep coming back to family.  However, I'm most grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that binds families throughout eternity.  


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