Tressa's Tag

The rules are:
Go to your pictures. Select your fourth folder. Then select the fourth picture. Post and explain.

Isabelle has LOVED her little sister from the day she arrived... even before!  Izy is the best big sister Victoria could ask for.  She is loyal & has the largest heart I know.  Last night Izy got in trouble & went to bed after eating half her dinner.  I went with her, got her tucked in then climbed into bed with her.  (This sounds peaceful as I write... let me reassure you it WAS NOT!)  Ryan was at work so I left everyone else to eat dinner on their own.  Hoping that spending the time with Izy would pay off somehow.  IT DID!  Everyone finished up then headed downstairs.  I was relieved that everything was going smoothly, outside of Izy's room that is.  She finally calmed down & we were just snuggling together.  Victoria came in, "Isabo, Isabo, I make you a card!"  She climbs up on the side of the bed and gives Izy a card.  "I hoading a haught!  I hoading a haught fo you!"  It melted my insides.  "This me, this you!  I hoading a haught fo you.  I say I love Isabo! frum Bictoria!"  Victoria gave her a huge kiss & hug.  Then Porter came in with 2 more cards from everyone.  I can't tell you the prayers Ryan & I have offered for experiences like this to take place in our home.  Isabelle feels like such an outsider so often.  The more she feels unloved the more she puts up walls.  It hits way to close to home for me.  It's like watching myself.  I have so much empathy for my parents & siblings.  However, I know how she feels and at times it breaks my heart to KNOW the pain she feels.  She tries SO hard.  She typed out & printed notes for 1/2 our family and left them under our pillows.  They said, "I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the exclamation marks took up 3-4 lines!  She was so excited that she did this.  She told me, "I'm going to give everyone else one tomorrow!"  Ryan & I went for a walk last night, the entire conversation was about Isabelle.  I wish others could see what I see in her.  I wish others could see what I was like when I was her age and compare what I am today and SEE.  See the love inside this little person.  See the hurt and pain she feels so deeply.  Because she SEES!  She's very observant and aware.  I wish sometimes she could be more oblivious to things... it would hurt less.


Kristen said…
I love this story and it is funny how the little ones can diffuse problems with their sloppy kisses and sweet "I love yous". You are a very wise mom -- I wish you were closer so I could call for advice.

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