A few happenings..

Monday: had another run in with the wretched woman knows as the secretary for Isabelle's school.  Requested a sit down with the principal & received a nasty phone conference instead.  Long story short, Isabelle will be attending Geddes Academy for the next year and a half.  Porter will be enrolling next fall and will attend through the 2nd grade unless we move to a parent friendly school.  Older siblings are a bit miffed... life just isn't fair!

Tuesday: blessed with a snow day... didn't have to deal with the school issue! 

Wednesday: A trucker got stuck behind out house.  I invited him in for breakfast.  He declined.  I let him know if he wanted to come in we cleared off the back steps.  A little while later he knocked at the door.  He waited with us until the tow truck came.  He's from North Carolina.  It was a nice visit.  The kids watched and cheered as he got back on his way.  Lost power... NO heat!  We put our 72 hour kits together.  Nothing like a little power outage to get me working on our preparedness.  

waterproofing matches
Early afternoon it stopped raining & started snowing.  The kids & I cleared the drive of at least 3 inches ice/slush/snow.  The temperature dropped so fast we were trying to get it all off before it froze solid.  We have a large driveway; I was exhausted, the kids were exhausted but we got ur done!  I was so proud of them.  They worked so hard & didn't quit.  The kids & I enjoyed playing outside despite coming in to a cold house.  Ryan picked up gas logs for the fireplace on his way home from work.  Had to return to town to pick up a connector.  Still no power... installed the logs by flashlight.  We finally had a little heat about 7pm.  The kids all camped out in the living room.  They loved every minute of "roughing" it!  The house stayed around 55-57 degrees.  It really wasn't to bad.  Casey ran around in shorts half the time... that kid is NEVER cold.  

a little power outage fun!
Thursday:  Still no power.  We clean out the fridge & create our own fridge out in the snow.  We use the gas grill to boil water for dishes & hot chocolate.  Ryan is obnoxious & makes me promise not to delete his pictures before letting me back in the house... & before giving me the camera makes me promise to post one...
"you can take the girl out of hickville; but you can't take hickville out of the girl"  I've never been real good with the social stuff.  I like my sweats & t's, my pig tails & braids.  I love that my kids could careless about brand names.  I enjoy the surprise I see when stuffy uppity people find out Ryan is a doctor.  I'm not sure if it's his humble demeanor or that I just am not the typical "doctors wife".  I love manual work... it just feels good.  Don't get me wrong, I love that I get to chose when I do manual work & that I don't have to do it to support my family.  I love that my kids pick up a shovel and work along side of me until the job is done.  I absolutely love where & who I came from.  The lessons I learned growing up are priceless.  Friends of ours have a good saying... "keep your wheel round".  I hope my kids are well rounded socially.  That they feel comfortable having a conversation with anyone; a bum, a teacher, doctor, politician, etc.  That they will find worth in every sole.  That they can look past the outside and see what really matters.  I hope they learn that money has nothing to do with making you "worth" something.  They have an amazing example in Ryan.  There has never been a job beneath him.  It didn't matter that he was a doctor... he bussed tables at my mom's diner just the same.  He's crawled around in the mud with my older brother fixing plumbing at our rental property.  I love the fact that he would do ANYTHING to put food on our table.  I love the way I feel after we've accomplished something together.  Clearing the trees & brush on our unsellable 5 acres was exhausting but so fulfilling.  Ryan has the softest hands.  But after working like that you can't help but get them filthy, scuffed, & marred.  I think it's the memory of my dad's hands that make me love the look of a working man's hands.  I can close my eyes & still see my dad's hands.  I think it's my favorite thing about him.  I love Ryan's soft hands but like when they look a little like a working man's. 

the power comes back on in the afternoon; rebellion ensues... the kids are SO upset.  Sorry guys, I like having power!  


Maren said…
Yay for POWER! We lost power too. We roughed it one night and still could be (as far as preparedness goes)but decided to head to St. Louis to a warm house and hot meal since it is going to be a while till power is restored. OMU has 26,000 customers and 19,000 were without power Tuesday night. The number is down to 15,000 now. My kids wanted to stay, they liked roughing it too!

I'm cheering on Geddes' Academy!! It is nice you have that option =)

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