Much needed snow day...

The past few days have been a bit stinky... the whole wheat bread as well as the virus' that have invaded our home may have a bit to do with the odor.  As for the attitude... all my own doing.  I have been SO negative & bratty.  Thanks for putting up with my pity parties Jeanie & Tressa.  But thanks even more for not allowing me to wallow in it.  It's great having friends/sisters that tell you how it is.  I'm sure it's no fun being the one to point out the obvious... your life isn't that bad! (only the attitude)  I tell my kids all the time, life is NOT fair... get use to it.  (Spoken kindly... most the time)  Why do I have such a hard time taking my own advice.  So this is the problem... I WANT LAND!  We own 5 acres but can't & won't build on it due to very unkind neighbors... they don't want to live next to 6 kids.  They have made it impossible to sell... chasing off 2 buyers.  Now, Ryan's job is changing & we aren't sure if we'll even be here in a year.  I just want to be settled.  Sam is in junior high.  My goal was to be permanently settled by the time she was in junior high... not gonna happen.  Jeanie & Kasey get out in 1.5 years & we'll see where they end up.  Ryan is committed for a year here... then who knows.   I guess that's what is killing me.  I am a planner... I always have a plan.  Right now I can't come up with a plan because there is so much up in the air... it's driving me CRAZY.  So, today the kids had a snow day & we got a little CRAZY!  Sam, Casey, Rebekah & Isabelle did there first donuts!  We got out the four wheelers and had a little fun.  Then we hooked up a long rope & sled to the 4-wheel drive ATV & had a little more.  Casey caught at least 2-3 feet of air, Rebekah lost her boot repeatedly, Sam was FLYIN', Ryan took a spill, & for me... tuck & roll!  We had a blast.  The kids were flying through the snow on & off the sled.  It was hilarious watching them pull themselves back onto the sled as it's still going.  We'll have to try and upload a bit of video.  Days end... I'm so grateful for kids that love to get crazy... no crying allowed (well a little)!  A husband that is so supportive & enjoys the crazy too.  Sisters that tell it to me straight.  The gospel that brings everything into perspective.  Moments of joy... I'll take what I can get.


Tye Bauserman said…
Thought you might enjoy this

I feel like that sometimes lol.

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