Bad weather & rats

I've been in a bit of a funk lately.  I just can't seem to kick it.  Unfortunately, I have a little guy that follows me into my funks.  Trying to deal with his "stuff" while dangling by my fingerNAIL gets a bit overwhelming.  The other night the door was pelted repeatedly with beanbags accompanied by heavy crying and a bit of yelling.  Throwing in the towel I let him watch the last 2 min. of the Villanova/Pitt game.  I then said goodnight & he quietly went to bed... what is the deal?!!!  The next morning I had him choose a consequence for the previous nights behaviour... no computer for a week.  Side note - I never have to remind him of his consequences he always abides by them, unlike my girls.  Well, the next night we had an encore performance.  This time I had a large rat in the kitchen... scratching, bumping, & squeaking.  This time I told the rat he would lose his game tomorrow night if I SAW him again.  Well, after much noise in the kitchen he showed himself.  Again, throwing in the towel I offered him the floor next to our bed to sleep.  Miraculously, we didn't hear another sound from that 85 lb rat.  The next night he took his consequence like a man...  I found him tucked in his bed reading his book the BFG.  I read a chapter with him & we had a grand laugh together.  You see it talked of frobscottle & Whizzpoppers.  Frobscottle is much like our soda except the bubbles bubble down causing an incredibly fun word to say... Whizzpoppers.  We read & laughed & laughed & read.  It was then that I realized I will have to throw in the towel when my guy is losing it.  I will have to feel like I am giving in & he winning to make headway.  Which, anyone that knows me knows that goes against everything I believe in... right is right/wrong is wrong, consequences for actions, if I say it... it is.  However, I have been praying for inspiration when it comes to parenting.  He knows them better than I & can give incredible insight into loving & teaching these tender spirits.  I am grateful for answers to prayer.  I am grateful for my little guy that truly is so good.  I love you Casey.


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