Family Home Evening

Victoria picked the song... Do as I'm Doing
Isabelle said the prayer
Rebekah gave the scripture... she's been memorizing the 4th article of faith
We had open mic night... no one had much to say.  As we were discussing different things Ryan asked why do we keep doing x, y & z.  He didn't think anyone noticed.  This brought up an interesting topic... the little things.  If you clean your room everyday it never gets gross.  Even if you keep up with it weekly there's never a HUGE mess to clean.  It's doing the little things that keeps everything running smoothly.  We applied it to scripture study & prayer.  Nobody notices when you do or don't do it.  However, go a while without it & your spirit is going to get a little "dirty".  Do it daily & it will be running in tip top shape.  It was fun to see the older kids really jump in & add their opinions & ideas.  For the activity we headed out on the ATV's.  We had a ball.  We took them down some hills then back up through a bunch of trees & briers.  Sam & Izy just plowed through.  Casey had the little one & got hung-up on a stump.  Victoria & I brought up the rear on the dirt bike (I really need to get a helmet... those branches & thorns are vicious).  Ryan, Porter, & Rebekah watched from above.  Afterward, Ryan thought it would be better to NOT have Victoria with me... I have to agree.  BUT, we had SO much fun.  Victoria LOVED every minute!  We headed home, brushed teeth, said prayers & hit the sack!  All in all a great day. 


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