Fun night tonight... Porter opted for some one on one with mom snuggled up on the couch reading "Russell's Secret" instead of heading outside to play.  Victoria was falling apart so we headed to bed early, snuggled up in bed & read "Clifford goes to the Hospital."  Everyone else came running for scriptures & prayers when called.  Tucked Porter in bed then played Cadoo with Sam, Casey, Rebekah, & Isabelle.  Got to bed a little later than planned we were just having too much fun.  Tucked everyone in with a kiss & I love you then got ready to go for a run.  Sam wanted to come for the first mile & 1/2.  We headed out... I wonder how long I'll be the one giving encouragement?  I'm sure it won't be long before they all can out run me.  I drop her behind our house & then finish my run.  It was a great night... cool, beautiful sunset, quiet accompanied by good music.  Dishes are still in the sink, beds didn't get made today, it's late... I should have been in bed 2 hours ago!  Ryan walked in the door about 20 min. ago (10:40pm).  All in all, it was a great day.  EVERYONE went to bed HAPPY!  That in itself is a blue moon event.


Tressa Card said…
Well. I wish my life was so perfect!!! Had to take the kids to my presidency meeting tonight..surprise Trevor was working! They were horrible! Felicity needed milk, toys, etc... Alexia was so tired and cranky. Then We get home and it gets even better. Felicity wants ANOTHER piece of being the nice mother that I am I let her have one more piece. And guess what she does after she finishes the candy? She starts wining for more!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Tomorrow I am throwing out every piece of candy in the house along with all the otter pops I have. That little girl is going to have the Adamson treatment. CANDY IS POISON!!! Anyway, she went to bed crying I am still not in bed and its 11:40 WAY past my bedtime just checking out your blog! I wish my life was as perfect as yours is!!HAHAHAHAHA!
Love ya,
P.S. those are awesome vacation rentals! Call me tomorrow we'll chat!
P.s.s. Alexia's crying ahhhh a perfect end to a perfect day!

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