The Day after May Day!

Wake up to a surprisingly sunny day.  The neighborhood garage sale is today.  It is an absolute mad house around here.  Getting in & out of our neighborhood & down airport road is atrocious!  We had decided against a garage sale due to the weather... it was suppose to RAIN!  Well, the girls & friends next door had been working on friendship bracelets & necklaces all week to "sell" at the garage sale.  They set up their booth at 7:45AM with great pride.  I did a quick run to the store for soda & hot dog buns.  The kids opened up a hot dog & soda stand.  Rebekah & Izy manned the early hours while Sam & Casey grilled all the hot dogs in the late morning & afternoon.  We threw a few items out for sale, then a few more, and a few more... & sold most of them.  Our plan was to earn enough money to buy a few wii remotes.  Mission accomplished & then some.  Sam & Casey were in the pool at 7:45Am with friends.  The rest of the day the kids took turns working the stand & swimming.  Ryan took off for work at 1:30pm.  Around 2:30pm we closed up shop & everyone headed for the pool.  Ryan & I had gotten a lot of the pool furniture put together.  The kids enjoyed the loungers, as did I!  We all came in around 4pm to get baths & PJ's on.  The kids enjoyed a movie while I headed to Stake Conference.  Everyone was exhausted & a little sun burnt.  Conference was wonderful.  It really helped me focus on what I want to work on with our family.  Exhausted... I hit the sack.


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