The man I love...

Why I married you...
1. A nice full head of hair...
2. I was smitten... loved the blue blazer & polka dot tie first time I saw you.
3. We had A LOT in common... 12 siblings, sports, cracked wheat cereal, etc!
4. Your naivety was endearing. 
5. Your easy acceptance of my crazy family... busing tables for my mom didn't hurt either.

Why I love you today... after the thinning hair, tattered tie, 6 kids, aging body, etc!
1. Love filled sincere eyes.
2. I am still smitten... love you in your scrubs.
3. We continue to have A LOT in common... goals, parenting, finances, etc.
4. I find your lack of common sense humorous... sometimes frustrating... but am glad you've got the brains... 
5. Your continued acceptance of my craziness... gracious kind heart towards my OTHER column in our budget... that isn't tax deductible!

Ryan has always been a great dad.  He was so proud of Samantha... after she arrived!  It was a rough 9 months knowing she was a girl!  However, the minute she arrived & was in his arms he hated to let her go.  The first Sunday at church he took her... the entire time.  I told him she needed to eat.  To which he replied, "Hurry & feed her... I'll take her."  So it was each week... then residency started... He disappeared for 3 years!  On his quick "visits" at home he would be found holding a baby, studying... perhaps with his eyes "resting"!  Casey arrived... you will never find a prouder father.  Rebekah arrived shortly after Casey & was a spitting image of her dad.  She'd crawl around and pull herself up on his knees as he sat still studying.  He taught each of our kids how to climb a jungle gym, slide down the big slide, etc.  He graduated and we moved to KY.  He took the kids for walks visited with neighbors... everyone loved him.  They found his mowing the lawn carrying a baby on his back so sweet.  Isabelle found her way to our family.  I reached my 2nd breaking point.  Ryan could calm Isabelle like no other.  At one point he was shedding clothing while driving so she could smell him... as soon as she had the t-shirt in her tiny hands next to her face she instantly calmed down.  Porter was a surprise... Ryan was elated...  I was overwhelmed... Ryan picked up the slack.  He played ball in the back yard, took the kids swimming, helped with dishes, etc.  I was breathing again... normally!  He was sleeping...  restfully.  There was another pink +... we shook our heads... made plans... & survived.  After 6 ultrasounds I faltered & found out the sex... a girl!  I tried prepping everyone... "It's probably a girl.  Our chances aren't good for a boy.  Most likely we'll have a girl" etc.  The night before Victoria graced us with her presence I tried again to prep him... "Ryan, you know it's a girl. Right?"  He replied, "you don't know that, it could be a boy!"  He said it with such hope I couldn't let him keep on while I KNEW it was a girl.  I quietly said it again, "Ryan, it's a girl"  He replied, "You don't know that."  As I looked into his eyes & softly said it again, "Ryan, it IS a girl"  He realize what I was saying.  Later he told me, "I walked into the laundry room & shed a tear... then as I held her for the first time I shed another."  Victoria's baby blessing was the most beautiful I had ever heard.  I cried as he baptized Samantha, Casey, & Rebekah.   I marvel at the man he has & continues to become.  He's teachable & gracious.  He sets an amazing example for our children.  I am lucky to have him.  So Casey, sometimes it is okay to be lucky.

Happy Father's Day Ryan!
I love you...


Autumn said…
I love learning more about you guys! Sweet.

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