We attended a wedding & 2 receptions today. Driving home talking with Ryan I expressed how it should be such a joyous day today... instead my head is a little spinney & I'm a bit sad. The temple is where we are sealed as families, not just for this life but all eternity. Neither of the two couples were married in the temple... 1 under less than perfect conditions. Marriage is tough. Anyone that says otherwise is doing it wrong! ;) Two people from two different backgrounds living together, creating babies, struggling with our own issues, forced to deal with an other's issues, add kid issues, not to mention in-law issues... the great BOILING pot! I'm not sure what the Lord had in mind when he created families... just unconditional love, unimaginable support, unbelievable loyalty, instant forgiveness, "inside" jokes, mindless laughing accompanied by floods of memories mixed with joy & tears... Sometimes as families we just need time... time to forget, to cool off, to remember, to cry, to scream, to sulk, to complain, to heal...

Gratitude Journal:

1. Quiet moments
2. Christ's Atonement
3. Prayer
4. Forgiveness
5. Time

I remember a time when all 5 of these played an amazing part in my life. A time I would never wished to repeat but a time that will always be a part of me & who I have and continue to become. As I partook of the Lord's atonement & truly felt forgiveness come, it changed me... forever. As I began building a relationship with Heavenly Father through prayer I began realizing that I was indeed a child of God & that He did indeed know me & love me. In quiet moments I continue to feel that love & acceptance. I love the quotes, "The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature"... "the gospel of Jesus Christ can make bad men good and good men better, can alter human nature & change human lives." If we but let Him in...


Autumn said…
I enjoyed reading this!

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