Why did Mom Choose You?

Mom is still gone to Girls Camp.  The boys were driving home from the Team God Speed Tuesday night track meet.  Dad, thinking about Mom, asked Porter and Casey if I'd ever told them the story why he married Mom.  Porter said "no" while Casey said, "you've told us that story a thousand times" but since he wasn't able to recall all four reasons I had to give the story again, why I married your mother:
1-   beauty (need I say more).
2-  she was able to throw a snowball like a guy (I'm a fine judge of physical talent also).
3-  she had dirt underneath her finger nails the first time I held her hands (dad knew then she       wasn't afraid to work).
4-  dad was ward clerk and saw that she paid her tithing (I've never had to worry about ours).

Dad then added to the old story and told Porter and Casey the reason Mom married me.  
I said that she liked the way I dance.  To that Casey started laughing and and said,  "no that could never be."  Then Porter said, "I think it was the way you sing".  Dad thought that too was a good one but Casey again started laughing and said, "no way".  Then there was a long silence and Casey asked, "Dad, why did she marry you?"  ... Well Casey,  sometimes it's okay to be lucky.



kandi said…
so sweet :} Why did she marry you?

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