Dr. Geddes "Don Juan"

For some crazy reason I (Ryan) have had a rash of female patients and their friends/family members hitting on me this past week.

A few of the comments...

"You're too young to be a doctor, you're also too good looking".

"I'd wake right up too if you were my doctor".

"Do you have an empty room? I'll be a patient too if you will be my doctor."

"I told you he was already taken (referring to my wedding ring), but we can take him home with us and teach him a thing or two."

"Come visit me in Florida. I live in a golf community."

"There he is, the good looking one I told you about."

Jonnette is becoming very jealous and I hope this does not ruin our perfectly melodious marriage. She is curious about the recent flirting and contemplating what if anything is to be done. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

My theories include but are not limited to the following...
-the new muscle tone from the daily push-ups I've been doing.
-the sharp new hair cut with Casey completing the back as Samantha was gone to Girls Camp.
-my new tan thanks to the swimming pool.
-the new cologne (Eau de chlorine).



kandi said…
you were getting don juan comments in oboro too! i remember being in the ER here for some reason, and after you left the nurses would be "he's the one!". Go Ryan!
I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt....sing it!
Autumn said…
I haven't looked at your blog in too long-the perfect time to take a peek!! TOO funny!!

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