Pre-4th of July Fun...

We are off... for a night of camping. 1 night is all I can muster right now. Samantha has been begging & pleading to go camping. A week or 2 ago I looked at the calendar & said, "July 3rd could work... we'll see." That turned into... "YOU SAID WE WOULD GO CAMPING THIS WEEK!" I have to admit, she did all the packing & got everyone ready to go. I've had girls camp stuff in the garage now for two weeks. I just finished up the dutch ovens... with a lot of help from Ryan. That touched off a typical Adamson/Geddes holiday cleaning spree! We definitely have that in common... holidays were work days growing up! We've really left that tradition behind. However, after today & the lolly-gagging attitudes, we may just indoctrinate our kids into the ole Adamson/Geddes way! It felt good to get 1/2 the garage cleaned out. Ryan took off with the kids to set up camp... I stayed behind to finish up. Samantha's going to check everything then call for the few extra things they forgot. I am looking forward to the quiet evening as a family beside an open fire.

Gratitude Journal:

1. Midwest green
2. Campfire
3. Cool evenings... it feels like a perfect fall day today.
4. Smores... 2 full graham crackers + entire Hersey bar + 3 toasted marshmallow's = oh SOOOOO good! (thanks Rachel & Michelle)
5. Snuggling by an open fire with a very cute boy!

Lately I feel like Ryan & I are getting to know each other all over again... it's a lot of fun. Ryan was in med school when we met. Samantha was on her way after 2 months of marriage while taking the pill... foreshadowing! Graduation quickly arrived & residency started... Ryan disappeared for 3 years... by the time he was around life was in full swing... babies kept coming... Then they stopped! Victoria is almost 4. I love laying in bed with him talking late into the night knowing there are no babies that will begin to cry at any moment. I feel like we've made it through one stage & are now onto the next... one that is much more enjoyable for both of us. Off I go... looking forward to the quiet night, warm fire & snuggling with my very cute boy!


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