and we're off...

I got back last night around 9:30 PM from the New River Gorge in West Virginia. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been. It was amazing. We took 15 young women from church on a backpacking/white water rafting trip. I had an absolute ball.
However, we take off today for the beach. I have had a non-stop summer... which means Ryan & the kids have been left alone a bit. The reunion was an absolute blast. I'll post more about each of these events after returning from the beach... Ryan decided we needed at least 1 vacation as a family away from the crazy busy schedules here in Zanesville. I happily agreed... a lazy week lying on the beach or walking in the moonlight with the love of my life sounds just about perfect!

Gratitude Journal:

1. Ryan
2. Ryan
3. Ryan
4. Ryan
5. &... Ryan!

I am the luckiest woman in the world to be married to this guy... not only married but absolutely, utterly, head over heals in love with him. He is amazing. I so appreciate his willingness to support me in all that I am asked & choose to do. I could not have survived this summer without his amazing love & support. He has done a little of everything this summer & a lot of dishes, laundry, kid playing, working, running, etc. While I have been preoccupied with other things he has kept everything running smoothly here at home. As the rain poured down & I tried sleeping (in the dry suburban) my thoughts kept returning to him... and how much I missed him. I love the butterflies I still get while driving the last bit of a trip knowing I'll soon see him.


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