Back to School...

The past few nights have been a bit of running... back to school nights, soccer practice, cub scouts, as well as the last of the sleepovers with cousins & cook-outs. Casey opted to stay at the cook-out while Rebekah went to back to school night & Sam's soccer practice (same time & location). Tonight, Sam was planning on running in just to get her schedule but they wouldn't give it to her without a parent attending the parent meeting... so in we went. The major concern was getting her in the higher level classes. Last year she got stuck in a few average level classes that were a bit too easy. I asked to have her switched too late into the school year. This year's schedule seems better. My other concern is social... last year 2 of her so called BFF's decided to give her the silent treatment for no apparent reason. Thankfully, she's made other friends. However, they kind of run in the same circles. I was proud of Sam for making an effort last year to break the silence. It worked... but the coldness remained. Tonight she talked with a few friends & as I pried, found out the 2 girls are still not really talking to her. It gave us an opportunity to talk about what's really important & why. Knowing who we are puts a lot of things in perspective. Remembering why we are here also helps. Knowing who to turn to in times of struggle brings peace. It breaks my heart to see the hurt on her face. She reassures me that it doesn't bother her "too much". I'm grateful for the good friends she does have & family that loves her. I hope this year will be a happy one for her, if nothing else a year of growth. I need to be more aware of what is going on with her. I need to just stop & talk with her. Other things will just have to wait...


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Anonymous said…
Miss you samantha

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