Casey needs to be at scouts by 5:30PM & Sam needs to be at soccer practice by 6:30PM. Ryan works until 6PM, often not getting home until 7PM. The two places are each 20 min. from our house in the opposite directions. I finish my run & am feeling a little better... "hey, who wants to go with me tonight?" Everyone is excited to get out of the house... we load up and are on our way. Victoria starts freaking out because her underwear is slipping off as she scoots around in the seat. Isabelle tries to help & gets a swift kick in the shin for her kind act. I am beginning to remember what kind of mood I am in. We are stuck at an off ramp behind a car that won't take a right on red. The steam is literally coming out my ears... I'm afraid to look at the car next to me in fear of shooting them a look that may kill! The light turns green & I about rear end the cautious driver ahead of me. I blare the music & she just keeps screaming. I tell her if she is quiet I'll turn it down... this ALWAYS worked for Isabelle... no such luck for Victoria! I pull off & gently place her outside the car. She can get back in when she is quiet. (thanks Craig & Traci for the idea... Megan over the fence!) I get back in myself. She is instantly calm & ready to ride quietly. We drop Casey off & have an extra 15 minutes. Casey needs a few supplies to finish up his last cub scout projects. I stop at Hobby Lobby leaving Sam in the car to watch the others as I run in quickly. I opt to take Victoria seeing that she is in a mood very similar to mine. Once inside she immediately starts asking for things. "I want something. You bought me something last time. I want that." I just keep playing the recording, "No, Victoria." over & over. We get in line & she is instantly "starving". "I'm hungry. My tummy hurts. I'm starving. Please, I am so hungry. My tummy is so empty" If she wasn't the 6th I may have been a bit stressed. You see there isn't anything the previous 5 haven't pulled at the check-out. I have lived through Isabelle as a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 year old (not always graciously but lived to tell the tale nonetheless.) I can handle Victoria's "starving tummy"! We head out to Sam's soccer practice. Victoria's starving tummy continues to be an issue & is getting louder... then through the cars a beaming ray of sunshine comes glistening our way... it just so happens to be in the form of a huge St. Bernard! His owners decided to take him for a drive on just the right day, on just the right road, at just the right time... my own tender mercy! I roll down Victoria's window & say, "Look!" She instantly forgets about her "starving tummy". Which by the way is NOT starving... she has a very nice healthy ROUND tummy! Excitedly, she looks out to see the surprise. "Is it Beethoven? Hi, doggy. Hi" she continues to talk & wave to him as we drive down Maple avenue. She was SO happy. He even put a smile on my face. I caught a glimpse of the driver & passenger as they turned off... they got a kick out of her talking to him also. Soccer practice was fun. We played at the playground for a little while, watched Sam, played soccer ourselves then watched Sam a little more. We ended the night at Wendy's drive-thru... a few baked potatoes, chili, jr. bacon cheeseburgers, nuggets & water. Ryan had picked Casey up from scouts. Everyone is tucked in & I am heading to bed. Hopefully, I'll wake-up a little less irritable & a lot more pleasant... !


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