No dessert... surprisingly no fit.

Isabelle has had a rough couple days as far as sass goes. Ryan was at work & Sam needed to be at soccer practice. Casey wanted to go along, as well as Rebekah, so everyone loaded up & off we went. Casey jumped out with Sam & Isabelle instantly asked why he got to stay?! "He's in 5th grade... that's why." I couldn't come up with anything more relevant. This did not satisfy her. As we were driving out I asked Rebekah if Sam remembered all her things. Thinking out loud I said, "I don't see her." To which Rebekah responded, "Down there, on the field." I looked for her down on the field & still couldn't see her. Isabelle responded with a venomous, "What, do you have bad eye sight!!" To which I answered a very calm, "No dessert tonight Isabelle." She quickly tried changing her tune... "well, you said you don't have good eye sight...." She was then warned... "any more sass... straight to bed when we get home". Thankfully, she got it together. Then came the dreaded Frosty conversation... who wants chocolate, who wants vanilla. I asked everyone except her. She took it very well. Not a word until we were about 100 yards from Wendy's. Then a very humble, "Mom, may I please have a frosty?" It tugged at my heart strings as I replied, "I'm sorry Isabelle, no." I was completely shocked with the maturity she displayed. Not a whine, cry, yell... nothing. She climbed in the backseat & watched as everyone received their frosty & enjoyed them on the way home. Even at home she didn't complain, grouch, etc. Now if I can deal with Victoria & her crying...


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