I was reading with Isabelle in our bed today... she likes a comfy place to read & since we've turned our closet into a school room... our bed is the closest comfy spot. I've thought about purchasing one of those giant supersacs to put in the closet/school room or maybe our bathroom... we'll see! So, I finished up with Isabelle and she ran off to play, Porter had finished earlier. As I lay in bed I pulled the covers up over my head... I had 15 min. before I needed to get lunch ready. Laying there I heard the pitter patter of feet running back & forth through our room and the kitchen. I was enjoying the quietness of being invisible, if only for a few minutes. Then... Victoria found me. She pulled the covers up & squealed, "I found you! Are you playing hide and seek?" I invited her into my "hiding" place. She climbed in for a quick snuggle then was off to play. Porter found me next, climbed in for a quick snuggle then quickly decided he'd rather play than "hide". Victoria returned for another snuggle... Isabelle wondered what was going on & joined us. Soon, Porter, looking for his 2 missing playmates wandered back our way. We laughed & giggled til our tummies began to rumble.


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