The other night I told Porter he had too many stuffed animals in his room... he would have to put some in the "animal pen". He quickly replied, "I have to keep Woody. (pause) You know why?" No, Porter, why? "Because Grandma Adamson gave him to me and it reminds me of her." As I tucked him in he asked for Woody... sweet dreams Porter Henry!

Tonight as I tucked Victoria in she asked for a story about Goldie... Ryan's dog growing up. I told her I didn't know many Goldie stories. "Can you tell me about Grandma?" Grandma Adamson? She asked, "Do I know that Grandma?" Yes. "Did she come here?" Yes. "Did she give us a freezer?" I about lost it. You see, we have a fridge in our garage that everyone refers to as Grandma's freezer. I haven't gotten around to posting much about our family reunion... the fridge came with Grandma from Illinois chuck full of food on the back of a trailer.
It was quite comical. We had a fridge plugged in outside on a trailer the first night Grandma arrived. I didn't think I wanted it... however, it has come in VERY handy! Thanks, Mom! Grandma Adamson will be known for her boxes of gifts that come in the mail... for absolutely no reason; her green cooler... that travels by train, plane, & automobile full of goodies; a fridge... ; high flying kites... the highest yet; bread... all kinds as well as many other wonderful things. We had a fun few minutes talking about all the wonderful things Grandma Adamson did... like teaching me how to throw a baseball, playing on the boys baseball team, canning food during the harvest season to eat in the winter, rubbing our feet and so on. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!


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