3:15PM head out to pick up kids from school
3:35 load everyone up & head home
3:50 unload, get dinner ready, unpack bags, etc.
4:20 sit down for dinner (leftover chili, homemade chicken & noodles & grandma's wheat bread)
4:50 clean-up while making & baking cookies for Activity Days
5:10 load everyone back into the car, Casey has soccer practice at 5:30
5:31 drop Casey off & head to Activity Days (Rebekah & Isabelle)
6:00 drop Rebekah & Isabelle off, send Sam with Rachel for mutual
6:30 pick Casey back up & meet Ryan at the post office for a "hand-off"
6:50 pit stop at McDonalds.... Porter & Victoria get a "in the car all evening" treat... ice-cream cones
7:00 HOME! potty, brushing teeth, P.J.'s, prayers then tucked in bed.
Ryan, Sam, Casey, Rebekah & Isabelle will arrive sometime around 8:30PM

We recieve 2 BIG boxes from Grandma Adamson today. Victoria literally squealed with delight as she claimed 90% of the items. Books, stuffed animals, Halloween decorations, lanterns & much, much more! She does have an advantage... everyone else is at school. Porter is sleeping with Fiddle the dog, Victoria with a pretty bear in a fancy dress. The kids loved going through all their new found treasures! Thanks Mom. We love you.
P.S. I laughed today! I danced in the car as we added 100 more miles to the odometer, giggling with Casey all the while. I shook the grouchies out of Porter... tipped him upside down & giggled till they all fell out. Serenaded Samantha in the kitchen... she started pelting me with candy corn?! Long, tiresome, lonely day... but successful nonetheless!


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