"I'm ready!"

Victoria wanted to go to the store in her PJ's. I told her, "fine, but you'll look silly." I should have let her wear her PJ's...

off we go!


kged said…
I LOVE it! Then again I live with one of those fashion gurus myself....and she actually wore her pj's to school one day with a lovely church sweater. Don't we all wish we could have a free spirit like that, not concerned one bit what others think?!
Tressa Card said…
Laughed out loud with that one!!!! Man I love when they get themselves dressed. I too wish I didn't worry so much about what others thought....I have been better with the kids though. I have let Alexia and Felicity and myself leave the house looking like we just rolled out of bed. Well, we actually did just roll out of bed but that's beside the point. Who do you think She get's her fashion sense from????
Love you miss you wish we lived closer!

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