Let the holidays begin...

We had an enjoyable day yesterday with family & friends. We ended the day with a few games of freeze tag. It started out with the little kids, then the bigger kids. We had to recruit Sean... 16 yr.old soccer player! Ryan & I just couldn't cut it. We played til the sun went down. Once it was dark they talked us into playing a while longer. We changed the game to hide & dead. They could hide & run as much as they wanted but once we caught them they were dead... resting in peace on the front steps. Isabelle & Tate were the last caught each time. These are my favorite times... running & laughing with them. Diving to catch Casey then rolling on the ground laughing together. Chasing Rebekah, losing my footing & landing in a heap. Victoria, Mia & Jesi running around hand in hand screeching. Tate's funky come & get me moves with swinging hips & bum swats... you've got to see it! Ryan headed out at 7 AM, back to work. I had a hard time pulling myself out of bed. I kept trying to figure out whey I was so blah... then I started looking at the calendar. The kids had 6 days off for Thanksgiving break... Ryan had 1 of those days off. December is the same. Dec. 21 - Dec. 31 he has 1 day off, the 23rd. I think we will be looking for a new job... very soon. I do feel very blessed to have a husband in a field that has a slew of job opportunities. Jeanie & Kasey are flying to KC for an interview that looks VERY promising. We will be sending Ryan's CV to a group there also. It sounds like a good job... great benefits, good pay, less hours & they are actively recruiting. We'll see how everything goes.


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