Ryan has an interview in KC. We fly out Monday & return Wednesday night. It sounds like a good opportunity. We sold our house... well, we have a family that is going to buy it. They have 5 kids & not much of anything is on the market that has the room & less than a $450,000 price tag. Ours is well below that. We don't make anything on it but Ryan & I both agree, a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. Both sides come out well... no realtor = lower price. We feel VERY blessed... especially considering the housing market. Just trying to get all our ducks in a row. The reality of moving may be setting in a bit... a little overwhelming. All the boxes & packing, at least this time there are no new babies. Ryan will be busy as ever. However, the kids will do a fabulous job. They really work hard & help out a lot. Samantha is enjoying basketball. Casey loves scouts. Rebekah is quite the scratch player. Isabelle is getting ready for her Christmas program. Porter is reading. Victoria picked out some lovely P.J.'s for me. She loves that an entire store of pretty, dressy PINK things is named after her! I rolled one of the sleeves up, she rolled it back down & said, "I picked them out so I say how you wear them. K?!" She is hilarious. Ryan was commenting that he liked them... she very proudly stated, "I picked them out!" OBVIOUSLY... they are pink & dark pink with glitter! I didn't have the heart to return them for something a little less pink. They are comfy, not nearly as cute on my 37 year old body, but hey Ryan doesn't seem to mind it.

Gratitude Journal:

1. Warm, comfy P.J.'s
2. Warm, comfy bed
3. Warm house
4. Thermostats... we didn't have one growing up. Just threw a log on!
5. Warm memories...

Jeanie & I shared a twin size bed growing up. She had her own room & bed. However, she just ended up sleeping in mine most of the time. Even when I came home from college, we'd share a bed. Victoria has started sleeping in Izy's bed. It's nice, she snuggles with Izy all night & doesn't end up in our bed. I think Isabelle likes it too. I told them about Jeanie & I... then talked about how they were kind of the same. She loved the idea of Victoria cleaning her room... Jeanie was the best room fairy EVER! I'd go get a glass of water & Jeanie would "surprise" me... warm memories!


Autumn said…
Its been too long since I've been on here! You're moving? I'll have to get details! Its fun to read about your kids in the previous post.

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