This may appall some... However, I often find death a relief. I know there is a heaven. I know we return to live with our Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ. I know that life after death is wonderful. I know these things without a doubt. So, often when this life gets so overwhelming I think, maybe it would be better if death came. Isabelle was yelling how she wished she wasn't here, with us, on earth. For a moment I thought, "that would be much easier." I love Isabelle as well as my other kids. However, a few of them make life very difficult. Rebekah came into my room this morning upset. Izy had yelled at her. As we discussed what happened the parable of the talents came to mind. I asked Rebekah if she remembered the story. She did. I went on to explain she is much like the person with 5 talents & Izy with 2. Rebekah has been given more & she is to use those talents and make them better. She is given a kind heart, loving eyes, accepting spirit, peacemaking abilities among many others. Heavenly Father expects her to use them and become even better. Izy has talents to. She is a fiercely loyal friend, the largest heart you've ever seen resides in that little chest of hers, as well as many others. We discussed how Rebekah could handle future encounters with Izy. We talked about how a soft answer can turn away wrath. As Isabelle is shown love she is able to control her temper more. She wants to do good. She prays constantly that Heavenly Father will help her not fight. As all this was taking place my view of death changed. I know all this stuff, but for the first time I really saw how this life truly is a time to prepare to meet God. How much harder it will be to try and change after we die. This is the time we work on becoming who God intends us to be. How I would mourn the loss of that time for my children. How I would regret not helping them overcome those weaknesses and strengthen those strengths. It's changed my view on mothering as well. I am not here to make them happy all the time. What will truly make them happy is becoming who they really are... sons & daughters of the Most High God. I will set the example & try not to stress over their temporary happiness but really focus on their eternal happiness.

I am a child of royal birth. My Father is king of heaven and earth. My spirit was born on the courts on high. A child beloved, A Princess am I.

-Harold B. Lee


Ben and Laurie said…
You really should write a book...

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