Family Calendars...

Each year we put together a family calendar... actually 2, one for the Adamson's & another for the Geddes'. At times it's a huge pain in the rear. Getting pictures from 24+ people in a timely manner rarely happens. However, the end result is ALWAYS worth every bit of work. We live so far away from the majority of both families. It's hard for our kids to really get to know some of their cousins, especially the older ones. However, today Rebekah called out "we have at least 2 second cousins." A few minutes later she corrected herself, "No, we have 3 second cousins. Dad's oldest sister (Marian), there are 2 and the next oldest sister(Danell), there is 1." The kids look through the calendars all the time. It's fun to see them talk about cousins they've spent time with and cousins they haven't met yet! Saying I am a firm believer in Family Reunions is quite the understatement. Ryan & I have come to see the beautiful benefits that come from gathering as families & spending time together. Our kids are building relationships that are priceless. The family letter published each month by Ryan's older sister is often found in Sam's room or quite frequently "fought" over! All these things create a sense of belonging as well as feelings of concern and love, no matter how far away. Families are forever, they are the best friends you can ever find.


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