Family Life Married to an ER Doc...

I have spent the past few days going through numerous files filled with even more papers! This is what I have come up with...
Ryan averages 42 hours a week.
He has taken 2 weeks of vacation in 1 calendar year.
He has worked Labor Day weekend, Thanksgiving weekend, the entire Christmas break, New Years, Presidents Day, Easter, as well as COUNTLESS weekends.
He has worked more hours this year than any other year.
He did not go to 11 years of school & sacrifice years away from his family to work a 40 hour work week & only 2 weeks vacation a year... we did not go without him for years to still not see him. I am SO looking forward to getting annoyed with him being around "too" much! Thankfully, I still like the guy. I enjoy our talks & occasional "what were you thinking?!" moments... like last night. I was trying to splice our headphone extension cord. I yanked it out the other day while running. So, I'm working on it sitting in my desk chair. Ryan is getting ready to take a nap before heading into work at 10PM. I get up to check if the splice worked. He thought he'd help by moving the treadmill into place... in front of the computer. However, he needed to move my chair... I didn't realize what he was doing... now I know how those poor kids feel when someone pulls the chair out from under them as they are sitting down. I landed on my big butt! I just looked up at him with the "what were you thinking!?" expression... He answered with a "I was just trying to help" look. A good laugh after a long night.

It's been a very stressful past few days. After hearing the hospital was going to allow the new recruits & current physicians to amend their contracts to a 4 month out but not allow Ryan the same courtesy he got a little ticked... not something that happens all that often. He threw a pretty good punch... "figure something out or I'm not working my scheduled 23 shifts next month or the 21 in April"... it seemed to get their attention. He fired off a proposal we both could live with and had an answer Sunday morning. We'll be leaving without him. He'll join us 3 days later after squeezing in 7 shifts in 5 days... He'll return again May 28 - June 5. Then his final trip back to Genesis will be June 29 - July 4. Divine intervention played a big part in everything falling together. Now I can get back to packing this house up... (big sigh!)


Tressa Card said…
We chatted all that time today and you didn't tell me you all worked it out. Stinks he has to go back to Zanesville so much but...better than nothing right? Love you,

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