Looking back...

The past four years can be summed up with 1 picture....
Ryan & I were discussing what good things we would take from Zanesville when we left. Truth be told there wasn't a lot that came to mind. It seems that we have run into & had dealings with most of the mean spirited bullies residing in Zanesville. I came here quite naive to the ugliness the world has to offer. Zanesville has really opened my eyes. However, these experiences created opportunities of great growth. Ryan & my relationship has never been better. I crawled into bed the other night with such contentment, knowing I was safe in the arms of my best friend. I can't imagine living life without him. We both have grown in ways that were only facilitated through our experiences here. As we talked more we found more & more good that we'll take with us... all of which are friendships.

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together"
- Woodrow Wilson


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