March in Review...



Pretty toes!

Wacky Wednesday at New Concord Elementary

Breakfast of a Champion... Victoria Marie

We are down to our LAST gallon of apple cider!

This is what I have found most days when I walk into the kitchen...
Victoria LOVES cider. She grabs the jug out of the fridge, sets it on the ground, pours her glass then walks off drinking her yummy cider, leaving the jug for me to put away.

Family Home Evening...
Our very own Dr. Porter prescribed a few vitamins for our family to combat the selfishness virus effecting our family!

Vitamin L... Love
Vitamin K... Kindness
Vitamin S... Sharing
Vitamin P... Patience
Vitmain P2... Peacemaking
Vitamin O... Obedience
and a bit of TTOC... Turn The Other Cheek!

I forgot to take my daily dose... and was a bit irritated with this...
no... we do not have 4 wheel drive.


Kristen said…
You and your family sound so fun and I love the pictures of your kids. Miss you tons and send our love.

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