sports 411

I jump in the car to take the kids to school... yes, on a Saturday. We are making up 1 of our MANY snow days. I am on autopilot, not really paying attention to anything going on in the car. Casey begins...
Kansas & Kansas State play.


Yes. (silence) I want Kansas to loose. (silence) It will make Kentucky look good.

you want Kentucky to win it all?

Yeah. (silence) I want Ohio State to loose to Illinois too.

It makes me laugh, the way his mind works. So much like his dad at that age. Casey has always loved KY. It's one of his top 3 schools to attend. If I remember right it may be his number 1 ahead of Florida & BYU. Who knows? I am officially starting to worry about college tuition. Our kids have the Adamson mentality of I can go anywhere & do anything ... thanks Grandma Adamson! My mom always encouraged us to shoot for the moon. Sam has talked about Kansas... out of state tuition is almost $10,000 a SEMESTER! She better start hitting those books. Casey told us yesterday, as we discussed out of state tuition, he was getting a scholarship. Ryan laughed & asked, "for basketball?" Casey responded with a "are you stupid dad" look then confidently said, "no, for being smart!" Good thing because UK is looking like $10,000 a semester also. If Ryan & I had our way they would all attend BYU for a meager $2,210 per semester! Talk about budget friendly education.


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