Vomit Central

Sunday about 1:30 AM Victoria crawls into bed with a tummy ache. A few minutes later she is vomiting. The rest of the "night" I am on vomit patrol... not a lot of sleeping is involved. About 5:30 AM her tummy calms down & I get a few z's. Then Tyler, nephew sleeping in our closet, starts crying. Jeanie is exhausted so I grab him. He's soaked. I don't want to change him in fear of him wanting his mom so I lay him on top of me & he falls right back to sleep (My pj's smell of urine). It brought back memories... many a nights a baby would be found sleeping on top of me so I could get a wee bit more sleep. 7 AM came way too soon. We head off to church. Casey stays home with Victoria, I have a lesson to teach & Ryan worked all night plus goes in again overnight. Early evening finds 3 kids vomiting into "buckets". It's 7PM & I am EXHAUSTED! Ryan is going back to work & I have 2 kids on my floor & 1 in my bed with no sleep in sight. I pull out the 1st Harry Potter book. If I'm not going to get any sleep I might as well see what Casey has been reading. At one point all three kids are hurling into their buckets simultaneously. Believe me, we were quite the sight. I catch a 30 min. nap before Ryan leaves. 3:30 AM finally arrives and no more vomiting. It's been quiet for 45 minutes. Everyone seems to be sleeping peaceably. I turn the light out, only 2 chapters left to read! 5:50AM I find myself over the toilet... I don't believe I've had that pleasure since giving birth to Victoria. Tuesday everyone goes back to school. Healthy... so I think. Victoria is tossing & crying. After checking on her 3 times she begins crying of a tummy ache. Without warning her dinner as well as every bit of liquid she drank that day is covering her, her blankie & bed! She sobs & bellars as we wait for her blankie to wash & dry. 12:30 AM we finally are in bed sleeping... with vomit breath.


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