It was cold today & I was feeling like I had been punched in the face. I'm not sure what is going on. Some kind of sinus thing I'm sure. Ryan went for a run before work while I was busy setting up utilities for our move. He left for work at 1:30pm & the kids started fighting. They were soon banished to their rooms & I to my bed... aka hiding from the world. Porter asked if he could join me. Then Victoria climbed in and we were all fast asleep... until 5pm! No early bedtime tonight. However, the nap was just what the doctor ordered. Rebekah headed over to a friends house for yet another going away bash. I am really impressed with the efforts their friends have made to let them know they will be missed. Izy was lonely & wanted to know what she could do. I didn't have any ideas. I told her I was going for a run if she wanted to ride her bike along. She thought that was a swell idea... could we run by Wendy's for a treat? I put my new shoes on... 5 miles right out of the box & my feet felt great! Do I need to say I LOVE my Adidas supernova's? I hadn't realized how bad my old ones were. It was a fun run. Isabelle was very proud of herself... 5.5 miles & hills. Mile 3 she started crying & saying she couldn't do it. It's a LONG mile all up hill. There were a lot of ruts along the side of the road. Not to mention all the cars. She hit a rut & it bounced her off the bike. We adjusted her seat & she was riding again. Half way up I was behind her, literally pushing her up the hill, telling her she could make it. She kept crying, "I can't do it, it's too hard," At one point I told her, "stop saying those negative things, you can do it, tell yourself you can do it." We reached a semi flat spot & she pedaled hard, then another hill. "Your almost there, just to that guard rail!" I had forgotten how hard the hill was for me, I was so focused on getting Isabelle to the top. It started me thinking about life. I'm here whining up these long hard hills and all along the way He's telling me I can do it. I'm feeding myself all these negative thoughts, telling myself I can't. I know at times He has literally carried me along. It's hard not knowing how much farther it is to the next flat spot or guardrail. I need to put more trust in a loving Heavenly Father that knows the course & sees the guardrails. I love running down that same mile stretch. It's where I clock my fastest mile. Then another hill comes but after the long hill everything seems easier, a lot like life. Those hard times prepare me for others to come, making them "easier". Helping someone along the way takes my mind off my own ruts & hills, before you know, both of us have made it. The gospel is an amazing thing.


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