It's Wednesday... piano from 4:30-6:30pm, activity days at 6pm, Sam has to be early to church 6:30pm & Casey has scouts at 7PM. Ryan left for work at 2PM. I make an executive decision... Rebekah & Izy will have to miss activity days. I can't get them there then back for Sam & Casey in enough time. Not to mention dragging Porter & Victoria around all night. Izy is upset & asks a bunch of legitimate questions. I try & explain but it just isn't fair... which it isn't. Finally, I tear up & go to my room. She follows, in tears & lays on my bed. Casey recognizes I am breaking & tries to help out. Izy is crying because of life's injustices. I have a nice quiet cry then back to the evenings events. After her good cry she apologizes for getting so upset. I drive Casey & Sam to church with Victoria in tow. Rebekah, Izy & Porter finish up piano lessons. Thankfully, Sam & Casey ride home with Bro. Harris.

Gratitude Journal:
1. A good cry... you always feel better after.
2. 90-10 rule 10% in life is what happens to you... 90% in life is how you react to the 10%
3. Time... everything eventually looks brighter given a bit of time.
4. Good neighbors... they make life that much more bearable.


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