This week has been OAA testing in Ohio! Casey has gotten up each morning Samantha has tests & cooked her a healthy, warm breakfast... since her non-functioning mother is incapable of such a task at the moment. Then on days Casey has testing Samantha returns the kind favor. The kids had an absolute ball at the Southam's party Wed. night. We had our first goodbye tears... at the YW meeting they presented Samantha with a butterfly shaped book of notes from the YW & leaders. I think we've all been so positive about this move that the reality of saying goodbye caught us off guard. Isabelle and I are all but loosing our minds trying to function in this disheveled house. I keep telling her, "just a few more days, we can make it just a few more days." It's been a huge blessing Ryan working evenings. He's been here each morning to help get everyone off to school. I really am shutting down. There has been so much to do & take care of. If I get one more email from our lender about another paper/form they need filled out & sent back I think I'll explode. The kids are fighting in the backyard AGAIN... gotta go play referee (sigh).


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