The Day after Moving Day...


I can't sleep, my allergies are acting up. Go figure, they wait until moving time to start in. I get up & take a shower. I lay in bed waiting... waiting... waiting... it's 5AM FINALLY! I wake Sam & we head to our house with a quick pit stop at Micky D's, Sam's breakfast. I find a few LARGE framed pictures we forgot to put on the truck. Plus there is a lot more in the house than I had thought. Our 3-month food storage is packed in the back of the suburban. NO-WAY is everything going to fit. So, another quick pit stop at the Bauserman's... they unload our food storage in 5 min. flat! Broken wheel barrow & all. Bo, I'm comin for my maple syrup... don't sleep too soundly! Back home to get the kids to school for their last day. Then home again for CLEANING.... oh how I hate the cleaning. All day cleaning. Did I mention cleaning?! Thankfully Wanda & Sis. Harris helped out. Finally around 2pm I think I am finished. Then I remember Ryan's raspberries... I have to did them up. The kids begin arriving home from school. We still need to fix the trailer & REALLY need a shower. Ryan arrives after Casey & I hook the trailer up. We head to town. I get a great hot shower at Rachel's. Thanks!! The kids play then head over to the Clark's for our farewell BBQ. Refreshed, I head over. Ryan and Tim are finishing up the trailer. The food was great, the kids had a ball & the company was fabulous. My allergies REALLY kicked in! The friends we made in Ohio feel more like family than friends. I don't think we'll ever have another ward like Zanesville. Porter absolutely LOVES his teacher, Sis. Southam. I can say the same about each of our kids, they love their primary teachers. I am already missing them & haven't left yet. Sis. Coakwell, Sis. McKibben, Bro. Starcher, Bro. Bauserman, thank-you for loving my children and teaching them of their Savior. We say our goodbyes & off we drive...


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