Our new dog...

Victoria was SO good today as I plowed through the office and the STACKS of paperwork. She played inside for a while then watched PBS. Lunch was a self-made PB&J. Then she decided to go for a swim in the "bathtub". "Can you open the bath Mom?" she asked in a swimsuit, cover-up & swim shoes! Out to the hot-tub she went. It was a mix of cold swimming pool (63*) & hot tub (102*). Back & forth she went happy as could be. The next thing I know, she's nowhere to be found. I look out back & see her legs sticking out of the little tike's slide, upside down. I couldn't figure out if she was stuck or not. She quickly jumped up, ran over, picked up the swing then back to the little slide... all in her 2T Scooby-Doo costume. I couldn't resist, out came the camera. After a few pictures we decided to get the mail. She wanted to ride the 4-wheeler down the lane to the mailbox. We found our new garbage cart there. She grabbed hold while sitting backwards & pulled it back to the house. It's so hard for her to be home without ANYONE to play with. I'm enjoying the moments I take to spend with her; a long walk, shopping at the store with tiny shopping carts she pushes & fills, a ride around the property or reading books each night. Life seems to be settling down a little. Ryan is out on the deck playing checkers with Casey & Samantha. He already helped my clean up after dinner & tuck the younger kids in bed. It's been so long since he's been able to help like that. The kids love it, I love it & he loves it. For the first time in a VERY long time I feel like I can breathe.


Unknown said…
That picture is priceless..you had me laughing out loud at some of your posts! love you miss you love you!!!!!
If your lost little puppy needs to take a trip somewhere, we would love to have another cute dog. Love you guys tons.

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