Parenting 99... close your eyes & jump
Parenting 101... stop before you start... oops, too late!
Parenting 102... your in too deep
Parenting 103... close your eyes & hang on tight
Parenting 104... denial, denial, denial
Parenting 105... RIP

I REALLY don't feel that way about parenting. However, at the moment... !


1. I am getting a tractor on Saturday!
2. Ryan is sitting with us at church.
3. Everyone is happy & adjusting VERY well to the move.
4. Victoria & I are enjoying our morning walks on the Green Belt.
5. My youngest is turning 5 in 4 months!

There are a lot of young families in our ward. I listened today to the chatter & watched mom's take kids to the hall & back in... all the things I spent the past 13 years doing each Sunday. I realized that as much as I am struggling with different stages & attitudes I am SO grateful to be out of the young mother stage. For most people it is a wonderful beautiful time... for me it was very lonely & dark. I am grateful I am enjoying motherhood more and more as time goes by. It just seems to get better and better.


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