Today has been spent attending to the mountain of paperwork I have pretended didn't exist. I found an interesting letter... the letter I took to all the kids' schools to show proof of residency. It's from AT&T & went something like this...

You have been denied service due to a report given us by Equifax...

I thought the letter was sent confirming service... I didn't even read it. So, now I understand all the questions about free lunches & looks. It doesn't help that Casey's hair is VERY long & unruly. Or that Porter wore the same pair of pants for 5 straight days, not to mention the hole in the knee the size of Texas. Maybe picking Porter up late a couple times didn't help either. I am feeling very judged... It reminds me again to not judge or if I do to STOP!

I called AT&T. They assured me the letter was sent out in error & wanted to make sure I had cell phone service as well...

So, maybe I should take Casey for a haircut & buy Porter some new jeans. Or, I let them think what they like & get to know us a little better just the way we are... a tad bit unsophisticated!


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