Missing Casey...

I thought I'd do something nice for Ryan this evening... mow! Let's just say Casey definitely has job security! I ran over a soccer ball... I thought I had scooped it up in the bucket. A loud pop & a lopsided ball shooting out the side told me I had missed it! Next was the pretty white horse fence... I caught IT with the bucket! Unfortunately, it too is lopsided with a nice dent to match. The bush took the brunt of my panicking... I backed right over it. I hit my suburban... good thing pretty cars aren't my thing. Thankfully the mailbox is still standing... no thanks to my handy maneuvering. It's a plastic one... it's flexible! Last but not least was the T-shirt. I was maneuvering around it... did I mention my handy maneuvering skills? No, I will not be wearing THAT t-shirt again... nor do I think Ryan will ask me to help mow anytime soon. I guess I matched his throwing the foam tubes away... actually I'm pretty sure I bested him!


Kristen said…
You sound almost as coordinated as me. I miss you and love hearing about your life and cute family.

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