19 hours in a car with 7 kids (our 6 plus an extra cousin!)... did I mention 19 HOURS?! We left at 5pm on Sunday evening. Arrived in southern Utah Monday around noon. It was a long drive to say the least. I was stressed... we were heading to the Geddes reunion. All my insecurities creep in before going to one of these things. I shouldn't let them but every time I do. Sam is crying half way there. She doesn't have any girl cousins her age that she's been able to get close to. I am stressing, she is crying. What a start! Ryan got off work at 5 AM. He slept until 2:15 PM. We packed the car & were off. Around 10 pm we stopped for gas. Usually, I do a lot of the driving. However, I was emotionally beat. So much so that I asked him to buy a potent beverage on Sunday that would keep him alert through the night. I was a mess... this seems to be a theme this summer. So, on we go. He drives until 5 AM! I take over. We make a few stops then pull into the Summit Chateau Lodge. No one is there yet. The kids look around as we unload the food. Samantha is breaking down again. I find her crying in the bunkhouse. I lay beside her and we begin to talk... I should say, I begin to talk. Samantha is an amazing young woman. However, she rarely lets you see the real her. It is hidden behind a thick shell. It's quite funny once she opens up. As we laid there I told her all the things I felt she needed to hear... "This isn't you. Be who YOU are. Uncle Aaron thinks you are so fun and loves hanging out with you. Aunt Alicen loves you and enjoys your funny sense of humor. You are an amazing person. Be who you are. Not someone that mopes around feeling sorry for yourself... Be YOU. Let people see you, not this." We fell asleep on that bed together. We both needed a nap and that talk. I realized that I often withdraw myself... those darn insecurities get the best of me. I figured I better set the example. Rachel's family returned from the store. Porter and Victoria loved seeing their cousins & friends again. Off they ran playing. Everyone slowly arrived. The kids were in cousin heaven. I decided to be me... I think it worked out well. Sam followed suit. It was fun watching her break out of her shell. She had a great week, as did we all.


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