Samantha is home again today...her left arm is oozing like crazy. The gauze is yellowish brown from the gunk coming out. The right arm is beginning to heal, her legs are clearing up very nicely, she has a few patches on her face and neck that are oozing a bit & her stomach is bright red with scratch like marks all over it... but NO oozing! Sam & Casey are extremely allergic to this stuff. Casey was upset last night because "I never got to skip school when I had poison ivy!" Casey's major poison ivy bouts were during the summer months! If he DID go to school it was with a mild case of poison ivy & there was NO oozing! Sam was up last night... which means... I was up last night. This time we covered her in baking soda paste. We let it dry... I had to keep sprinkling dry baking soda over the oozing spots. It was pretty nasty. After it dried she got in the shower, washed off, reapplied calamine lotion & wrapped gauze around the oozing arm. I drugged her with motrin & benadryll in hopes for a somewhat restful night. The alarm rang WAY too early. Casey decided he was ditching school today... to make up for the inequitable treatment! That just meant I was able to climb back into bed for a bit more sleep! Obviously, I didn't put up much resistance.


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