My FABULOUS morning...

It has rained all day... including this morning. The kids asked if they would get dropped off at school. NO WAY! We get to walk to school in the rain! I was so excited. I LOVE the rain. The kids quickly gathered up their rain gear... we had to make a few minor adjustments. Like, coloring the large flower on Porter's rain boots black. Rebekah used a poncho from our 72 hour kits while Izy wore Sam's poncho from girls camp. Note to self... next thrift store run check out rain gear! Unfortunately, the rain had turned into a light drizzle by the time we walked to school. Isabelle & Rebekah shed their ponchos 1/2 way to school. The kids enjoyed jumping in puddles, merrily walking along. We switched out boots for shoes as we waited for Jaycie's bus to arrive. I love walking to school with the kids. It adds an additional hour to my morning, but it has become the very best part of my day. Victoria & I take our time getting back to the car. Today we planned our experiments for when we returned home. Making different colored water using food coloring. R+B=P, R+Y=O, B+Y=G, R+B+Y+G+P+O=B


Tressa Card said…
Seriously a black you really think that made it better? I am so laughing at that. Porter is a trooper and that is true Adamson thriftyness! Seriously how do you spell Thriftyness with a y or an i....
No idea! Love ya!!
Kristen said…
I miss you and love your blog!!! Sending hugs and just have to say you are still such an inspiration to me.
Anonymous said…
Love it Jonette--Hugs, Renee
Tressa Card said…
ok time for some new stuff...I'm waiting!

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