Here, There, & everywhere...

Saturday we went to cut our Christmas tree. It was FREEZING! The kids barely noticed the frigid wind as they raced through the trees in search of the "perfect" one. Unfortunately, 98% of the trees had been tagged... people came out early November & tagged them sold. We found 1 that worked. The kids have never been disappointed with any of the "special" trees we've brought home. And let me tell ya, there have been some doosies! The morning started out rough... I was in a foul mood. All week I had told the kids, "It's your choice to be angry or happy." Well, it was MY choice to stay grumpy. The entire time I kept telling myself, "it's a choice, let it go, enjoy this time." I finally listened and let it go. Then Ryan tells me he still has to run to work for a few minutes to finish a few charts... I chose to be angry again! The kids & I head home, Ryan to work. I start cleaning. Ryan returns & starts helping. I'm not talking, just working. Ryan is chatting with the kids & being very positive. I call everyone to the living room & give them a short talking too... "You can be like me and chose to be mad & miserable OR you can be like you dad & chose to be happy." I wanted them to know I knew I was being a total hypocrite. I'm not sure if it's the weather, time of year or what... I tend to struggle through the holidays a lot. When all's said & done the holidays are a bit difficult for me. All the hustle and bustle leaves me feeling very empty. Casey had asked a week ago if I would start reading aloud to them each night again. We started Saturday night. We read Sitting Ducks & a chapter of The Bad Beginning. Sunday we read Ki Ki's Dance, Heckedy Peg & another chapter of the Bad Beginning. Tonight Ryan left for work at 4:30 so he picked the kids up early from school & we had a quick FHE. We discussed our week and decorated the Christmas tree. The kids did a great job... no "fixing" necessary! As we finished up dinner the kids started discussing what books we'd read. They decided it would be fun to pick Christmas books. We read Mooseltoe, The Christmas Sweater and a chapter of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I forget how much I enjoy reading with my kids. It's fun to laugh out loud as we read about the Herdman's. I know there are other books in our Christmas pile that will make me cry... the Herdman's make me cry. I hate finding myself in the same rut time & time again. However, if I take a few minutes to step back and assess the situation I find I haven't turned the music on in a while or enjoyed the fun of raising these 6 amazing kids. I've let myself get caught up in all the mess life has to offer. So, the ipod dock is returning to the kitchen along with Toby Keith & I Wanna Talk About Me as well as the Dixie Chicks. Music has a way of turning things right side up in our home. It adds a bit of fun and a lot of crazy.


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