I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today... VERY grouchy. It was one of those days I should NOT have had any human contact. I shouldn't have been around any living life form. I'm confident plants wilted as I passed by them. I spewed negativity. So it went for the better part of my day. A friend came over and was a good dose of sugar that helped the medicine (see the good instead of focusing on the negative) go down. She's one of those people that doesn't let you wallow in your mess. She doesn't jump on your band wagon and fuel your negativity, quite the opposite. I left to pick Sam, Casey & Victoria up from school. We stopped off to pay the water bill. Victoria wanted to join me... she found a candy bowl & enjoyed her treat. (i started to feel happier...) We went to the bank. Sam ran in. Victoria started to cry... she knows the bank has cookies. We walked in hand in hand to pick out 1 cookie. (a little happier yet...) Sam wanted to drive home. We found a quiet, safe place to pull over so she could take the wheel. (happier...) We emptied the refrigerator of our leftovers and had a smorgasbord for dinner. No one complained... everyone was happy with something. (i am happy) Ryan takes off for work, we clean up and head for the couch for some family reading time. We finish the Best Christmas Ever... me in tears. Samantha picked A Christmas Dress for Ellen. I didn't even finish the first page... the tears started and never stopped. Thankfully, Victoria picked the light hearted Whose that Knocking on Christmas Eve. We finished the night with The Christmas Orange. The 4 younger ones tucked in bed Sam, Casey & I did a 30-day Shred workout. I have to start functioning better. I am missing out on so many great moments with my kids. This time of year is always so hard for me. I'm not sure what it is? Thankfully, I have a great husband that loves me through it and kids that continue to look past my weaknesses to see the good they love.

Gratitude Journal:

1. Good Friends.
2. The agency to choose to put a smile where a frown has been.
3. The laughter of my children.
4. Getting squished by 6 kids that all want to "be by mom."
5. An understanding & supportive husband... what a mess I would be in without him!


Ben and Laurie said…
I love the music on your play list!!

You are an incredible friend too. Every time we get together and talk I feel so much more motivated to fight the battles in my head. Your friendship is a godsend in my life. Thanks.

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